Canvas for Graduate Studies
Accessing Canvas
Go to
Log in with your Network ID and password (same as Outlook)
If you need your password reset, please contact
If you are already logged into Microsoft Outlook, your credentials should ‘pass through’ to Canvas.
Course sites, including add/drop, will be managed by Banner’s enrollment system. You will not need to add or remove students from the roster manually.
Additional Canvas Resources
The Canvas Community website is a great resource for all things Canvas. It includes guides, question forums, and troubleshooting resources.
Training videos on Canvas are available here.
Canvas Support
Canvas Tier 1 support can be reached for live support by click the “Help” button in Canvas, and selecting “Chat with Canvas Support (for Faculty)”. Instructure’s chat support is available 24/7 to PC Faculty and Students.
If none of the above avenues resolve your issue, or if you are not sure where to start, email to contact a member of the TLT team.
What to Expect
TLT will send an email when courses are created and a reminder to Graduate faculty for any course site merge requests.
Getting Started
LinkedIn learning has a self-paced tutorial available, “Learning Canvas“.
Resources for Teaching Online
View information about accessing the Blend by Design training program, a self-paced, online course about teaching hybrid/blended courses.
The Office of Teaching and Learning Technologies
Feinstein 306