
How can I share video lectures with my students?

It is strongly advised that you do not upload videos to Sakai for two reasons.  First, video files can be large and may take up your limited course space.  Second, students use a wide variety of devices to access Sakai Resources, and certain video file formats may not work for all students.

Uploading videos to YouTube ensures that all students can access the videos and that the video quality is consistent.  You can easily set a YouTube video to be “unlisted” and then share the link to Sakai Resources or a Sakai Lessons page.

Instructions on creating a verified YouTube account and posting to YouTube

How can I stream a live video?

There may be instances where you wish to “go live” with a discussion, presentation or lecture.

Technologies like Google Hangouts, Skype and Zoom can allow you to host small video conferences, but if you want your content to be publicly accessible and still available after the the event, YouTube Live is a useful resource.

Instructions on how to implement YouTube Live