
The following is a list of tools available here at Providence College for conducting assessments.

Canvas QuizzesThe Canvas Quiz tool can be used to facilitate online tests and quizzes.What are Quizzes?
Canvas AssignmentsAssignments can be created in Canvas to be uploaded and graded. How Do I Create an Assignment?
Canvas RubricsCanvas also has a rubrics tool that can be used to grade assignments.What are Rubrics?
Canvas GradesThe Canvas Gradebook can assist with tracking student grades, and you can share those grades with students as you wish.How Do I Use the Gradebook?
TopHatTopHat is a web-based software that allows faculty to administer quizzes through students’ mobile devices.Top Hat FAQs
GradescopeGradescope allows instructors to provide granular feedback on student uploaded assignments, making it especially useful for hand-written work. This tool integrates with the Canvas Gradebook as well.Gradescope Resources