Course Archiving

It’s time to clean house!  We’ve been saving old courses for a while, but now we’re going to delete courses that are more than five years old.  You will receive a separate email listing your courses that will be archived. Please download or copy any materials you wish to save, since those courses will be deleted at the end of the summer. 

For guides on archiving content, please visit our Course Archiving site.

The Office of Teaching and Learning Technologies

Feinstein 306

Planning for the Semester

Revamp Your Course Site 
Preparing for the Spring and want to make sure your course site is ready to go? We have compiled some useful tutorials to help you out: 

  • Creating a Lesson Template: Watch this short video to learn how to use the Sakai Lessons tool to create consistently designed lessons or module pages within your course site. 
  • Learn More About Gradescope, Zoom, etc.: We have many recordings available on a variety of instructional technology topics that will help you get ready for the semester! 
  • TLT Update Newsletter You will find information about facilitating remote assessments as well as tips and resources to help you prepare for future semesters.

Getting Creative with Remote Assessments
Learn new ways to assess your students through the online setting.

Virtual Icebreakers
Looking for a way to “break the ice” with your online or hybrid students? Join us on Zoom and we’ll share some ideas based on the technology available here at PC!