Sakai vs. Canvas Tool Comparison

Use the table below to compare Sakai tools to the tools you will now have available in Canvas.

Thank you to Rutgers University for providing permission to utilize this resource.

SakaiEquivalent in Canvas How To
Announcements Announcements What are Announcements?

Announcements Overview (Instructors)
AssignmentsAssignmentsWhat are Assignments?

Assignments Overview (Instructors)
Calendar Calendar What is the Calendar?

Calendar Overview (Instructors)
Chat RoomsChats
What is Chat?

What are Conferences?
Chat Overview (Video)

Conferences Overview (Video)
Course Content
Import ContentWhat is the Course Import Tool?
Course Creation (Instructors)
Course Content Modules
ModulesWhat are Modules?

Modules Overview (Instructors)
Drop BoxCollaborations or OneDriveWhat are Collaborations?
OneDrive at Providence College
ForumsDiscussions What are Discussions?

Discussions Overview (Instructors)
GradebookGradesWhat are Grades and the Gradebook?
How do I use the Gradebook?
What is SpeedGrader?
Gradebook Overview
SpeedGrader Overview (Instructors)
GroupsGroupsWhat are Student Groups?
Groups: Creation & Management (Video)
How do I use Conversations?
ResourcesFilesWhat are Files?
Files Overview
Rich Content Editor Rich Content Editor
ScheduleCalendarWhat is the Calendar?

Calendar Overview (Video)
Sign UpSchedulerWhat is the Scheduler?
How do I add a Schedule appointment group in a course calendar?
Site Info SettingsHow do I use course settings?

Course Settings (Instructors)
Site Members PeopleHow do I use the People page in a course as an instructor?
People Overview (Instructors)
Statistics Course Analytics What are Analytics?
Course and Student Analytics Overview (Instructors)
SyllabusSyllabusHow do I use the Syllabus as an instructor
Course Creation (Instructors)
Tests & QuizzesQuizzes What are Quizzes?

Quizzes Overview (Instructors)
WikiPagesHow do I create a new page in a course?
Pages Overview (Instructors)
N/A - No mobile app availableMobile AppIOS Guide

Android Guide
Canvas Teacher App