Creating Your Own Site

How do I create a site in Sakai?


Click here to download a PDF version of these instructions.

  1. Click on the waffle icon in the top right corner of the screen to open the Sakai Sites drawer. Once the drawer is open, click on “Create New Site”.

Screenshot of Sakai Sites Waffle and Create New Site button

  1. Select “Project Site” and click “Continue”.

Screenshot of interface for creating a project site in Sakai

  1. In the field, type in the Site Title. You can also include a description if you wish. Scroll down and click, “Continue”.

Screenshot of interface for naming new Sakai Site

  1. Select the tools you would like to have included in the Sakai Site. When you are done, scroll down and click “Continue”.

Screenshot of the interface for adding tools to a Sakai site

  1. Typically the default settings for Site Status, Site Visibility, and Global Access are going to be the correct settings, so leave as is and click “Continue”.

Screenshot of final editing screen in creating a new site in Sakai

  1. I final review screen will appear. Click “Create Site” and the site will now appear in the “Projects” section under “Sites”.

Screenshot of the Create Site button in Sakai

How do I add participants to my Sakai Course?


For instructions on how to add participants to the Sakai course you created, click here.